Dive Headfirst into R

Below are several links and resources related to the “Diving Headfirst into R: API Data Extraction, Wrangling, and Analysis” preconference session for the 2023 AEJMC Southeast Colloquium at Middle Tennessee State University.

Session PowerPoint & Video

PowerPoint in .pdf format

PowerPoint in .pptx format

Session video

Also, see this YouTube-hosted script demonstration video. The video was embedded in the PowerPoint shown during the sessions. Leaving it in there would have made the PowerPoint file ridiculously large.

R scripts:

SEC Workshop R Basics R Markdown Page (with a data file link).

GDELT Headline Scrape R Markdown Page

GDELT “Biden v. Trump Coverage” R Markdown Page

Census County Division Slider Map R Markdown Page (Note: Script requires a Census API key)

Capturing Twitter Content with RTweet (Note: Script requires authentication with a basic Twitter login and password. Also: Don’t get too excited about this one. “Chief Twit” Elon Musk, in his ongoing effort to live up to his self-chosen moniker, has said he plans to end free access to the Twitter API. Thus, this script could stop working at any time. I’ll take it down once it turns inoperable. Until then, though, have at it and grab all the Twitter content you can.)

Resources for R users:

R Programming 101 YouTube channel, especially the R Programming for Beginners, Statistics with R Programming, and Data Visualisation using ggplot with R Programming playlists.

Statology R Guides list of R tutorials by the people at Statology.org


Learning statistics with R – https://learningstatisticswithr.com/book/

R for Data Science – https://r4ds.had.co.nz/

Data Visualization – https://socviz.co/


Text mining with R, a (free) online book explaining how to use R for text mining and natural language processing.