You can set up a basic D2L page in very little time.
To get started, right click on this template file, choose your browser’s version of “Save File As …,’ and download the file to your computer’s desktop or some similarly handy directory. Be sure to leave the file in .zip format instead of decompressing it.
Next, go to elearn.mtsu.edu and log into D2L using the same credentials you use to access PipeLine. Clicking the link will open D2L in a separate window.
Once you are logged into D2L, use the links under “My Courses” to navigate to the current semester, and click on the link for whatever course you want to set up. Then import the template file, as shown in the video below:
Note: you can play the video in full-screen mode by clicking the full-screen icon in the lower-right corner of the video frame.
The template will create a generic landing page and a content area for each week remaining in the Spring 2020 semester. The next video shows you how to customize the course’s landing page.
The next video shows how to add text, images, links and embedded YouTube videos to one of the weekly content areas. One simple way to organize your D2L site is to divide your material and assignments up into weekly chunks, then put each weekly chunk’s materials into the content area for that week.
You also can upload PowerPoints. .pdfs, Word Documents or other files that you want the students to access. This final video shows how to upload a PowerPoint file.
D2L offers a “drop box” feature that gives students a way to turn in Word files and other documents. You may set up as many drop boxes as you need. For example, If you want students to turn in four papers between now and the end of the semester, you can create four drop boxes, one for each paper. This video shows how to create a drop box and post a link to it.
You can do much more in D2L, including setting up discussion boards and creating quizzes (that D2L will automatically grade for you), and adding an online gradebook. Brightspace, the makers of D2L, have compiled a range of help videos here: